意大利氣候溫暖的沿海城市--巴里,海面水汽升華帶來(lái)的水霧寥寥,給清晨時(shí)分的海面帶來(lái)朦朧的美感,神秘而優(yōu)雅。純白的磚面干凈得沒(méi)有一絲雜質(zhì), 若隱若現(xiàn)的墨色肌理,似清晨撥開(kāi)的云霧,又像白紙上渲染開(kāi)的墨水痕跡, 干凈中帶有柔和的層次感,給人寬廣和親切的感受。
In the coastal city of Italy with a warm climate, Bari, the sea surface water vapor sublimation brings very little water mist, which brings a hazy beauty to the sea surface in the early morning, mysterious and elegant. The pure white brick surface is so clean that there is no trace of impurities. The looming ink texture is like a cloud and fog that is opened in the morning, and it is like a trace of ink rendered on white paper. It is clean with a soft layering, giving people a broad and intimate feeling .
750x1500mm (6 faces)
600x600mm (12 faces)